The last of the Christmas gifts! This Two Peppercorns Goat Cheese was the other gift for my mother and is perfect for those who like spicy snacks. I thought it would get to the Summer and that she would use it in salads but it didn't last a month! And apparently there is not even a speck of pepper to tell the story!
Queijo de Cabra com Duas Pimentas
200 g de Queijo de Cabra curado
2 colheres de chá de Pimenta Rosa em grão
2 colheres de chá de Pimenta Preta em grão
4 dentes de Alhos
1 colher de sopa de Oregãos secos
Azeite Extra Virgem
Descascar e esmagar ligeiramente os alhos, cortar o queijo em triângulos e colocar tudo num frasco esterilizado.
Acrescentar as pimentas e os oregãos.
Encher o frasco com azeite até o queijo ficar completamente coberto, tapar e agitar ligeiramente.
Deixar apurar algumas semanas antes de usar.
Two Peppercorns Goat Cheese
200 g Goat Cheese
2 tsp Rose Peppercorns
2 tsp Black Peppercorns
4 Garlic cloves
1 tbsp dry Oregano
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Peel and slightly crush the garlic cloves, cut the cheese in triangles and put it all in a sterilized jar.
Add the peppercorns and oregano.
Fill the jar with olive oil till the cheese is completely covered, close and gently shake it.